Sustainability and the Architectural History

World Commission on Environment Development, Our Common Future (Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 1987).
D. H. Meadows and Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind (New York, Universe Books, 1972), E. F. Schumacher, Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People Mattered (New York, Harper & Row, 1973).
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and D. Sitarz, Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Colorado, EarthPress, 1993).
See Academic Programs in Sustainability on AASHE's (Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) website.
B. G. Norton, Sustainability: A Philosophy of Adaptive Ecosystem Management (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2005).
In the discipline of engineering, see J. R. Mihelcic et al., ‘Sustainability Science and Engineering: The Emergence of a New Metadiscipline'. Environmental Science & Technology, 37, 23 (2003), pp. 5314-24.
M. Jarzombek, ‘Molecules, Money and Design: The Question of Sustainability's Role in Architectural Academe'. Thresholds 18, Design & Money, (Spring 1999), pp. 32-38.
See P. Anker, ‘The Closed World of Ecological Architecture', The Journal of Architecture, 10, 5 (2005), pp. 527-552; W. McDonough and M. Braungart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (New York, North Point Press 2002); V. Olgyay and J. Herdt, ‘The Application of Ecosystems Services Criteria for Green Building Assessment', Solar Energy, 77, 4 (2004), pp. 389-98; D. W. Orr, The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention (New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004); N. Todd and J. Todd, From Eco-Cities to Living Machines: Principles of Ecological Design (Berkeley, California, North Atlantic Books, 1994); U. S. Green Building Council, LEED Green Building Rating Systems (Annapolis, MD, Office of the Secretary of State, Div. of State Documents 2006); S. Van der Ryn and S. Cowan, Ecological Design (Washington, D.C., Island Press, 1995).
Olgyay and Herdt, "The Application of Ecosystems Services Criteria for Green Building Assessment," pp. 389-98.
A.G. Kwok and W.T. Grondzik, The Green Studio Handbook: Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design (Oxford, Architectural, 2007), pp. 1-6.
S. Guy and G. Farmer, ‘Reinterpreting Sustainable Architecture: The Place of Technology'. Journal of Architectural Education, 54, 3 (2001), pp. 140-48.
For recent scholarship that analyzes design discourses in terms of the cultural and ethical aspects of sustainability. See M. Jarzombek, ‘Sustainability, Architecture, And "Nature" Between Fuzzy Systems and Wicked Problems'. Thresholds, 26, Denatured (Spring 2003), pp. 54-56; Orr, The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention; K.Tanzer and R. Longoria, eds., The Green Braid: Towards an Architecture of Ecology, Economy, and Equity (London, New York, Routledge, 2007).
S. Mosley, The Environment in World History (Milton Park Abingdon Oxon, New York NY, Routledge 1st ed., 2010), pp1-13.
J. D. Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life (Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, New York, Routledge, 2009), p.4.
R. White, ‘Environmental History, Ecology, and Meaning'. The Journal of American History, 76, 4 (1990), pp. 1111-16.
J. R. McNeill, ‘Observations on the Nature and Culture of Environmental History', History and Theory, 42, 4 (2003), pp.5-43.
Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life, pp. 30-51.
F. Ching, M. Jarzombek, and V. Prakash, A Global History of Architecture (Hoboken, N.J., J. Wiley & Sons, 2007); R. Ingersoll and S. Kostof, World Architecture: A Cross-Cultural History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2013); S. Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals (New York,Oxford University Press, 1985)., M.Moffett, M.W. Fazio, and L. Wodehouse, Buildings across Time: An Introduction to World Architecture (Boston, Mass., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009), M. Trachtenberg and I. Hyman, Architecture, from Prehistory to Postmodernity (New York, Harry N. Abrams, 2002).
S. Mosley, The Environment in World History, pp1-13.
P. Anker, ‘Science in Culture: Bauhaus at the Zoo', Nature. 439, 7079 (2006), p.916; ———, From Bauhaus to Ecohouse a History of Ecological Design (Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 2010); R. Banham, The Architecture of the Well-Tempered Environment (London, Chicago, Architectural Press, University of Chicago 1973), A. Kirk, ‘Appropriating Technology: The Whole Earth Catalog and Counterculture Environmental Politics', Environmental History, 6, 3 (2001), pp. 374-94; S. Mosley, ‘Fresh Air and Foul: The Role of the Open Fireplace in Ventilating the British Home, 1837-1910', Planning Perspectives, 18, 1 (2003), pp. 1-21; M. Murphy, Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty: Environmental Politics, Technoscience, and Women Workers (Durham [N.C.], Duke University Press, 2006); Orr, Design on the Edge: The Making of a High-Performance Building; A. W. Rome, ‘From the Solar Home to the All-Electric Home', in The Bulldozer in the Countryside, Suburban Sprawl and the Rise of American Environmentalism (Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 45-86; S. Sadler, ‘Drop City Revisited', Journal of Architectural Education, 59, 3 (2006), pp. 5-14; ———; ‘An Architecture of the Whole', Journal of Architectural Education, 61, 4 (2008) pp. 108–129; F. D. E. Scott, ‘Revolutionaries or Drop Outs', in Architecture or Techno-Utopia: Politics after Modernism (Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2007), pp. 151-84.
M. Gandy, Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City (Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 2002).
C. M. Rosen and J. A. Tarr, ‘The Importance of an Urban Perspective in Environmental History', Journal of Urban History, 20, 3 (May 1994), pp. 299-310.
See Joel Tarr's historiographic essay on urban environmental history, J. A. Tarr, ‘Urban History and Environmental History in the United States: Complementary and Overlapping Fields', in C. Bernhardt, ed., Environmental Problems in European Cities in the 19th and 20th Century, (Munster, New York, Waxmann, 2004), pp. 25-40.
Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals, 7.
R. Ingersoll and S. Kostof, World Architecture: A Cross-Cultural History
Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life, Mosley, The Environment in World History.
Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life, 116-53.
A. W. Crosby, The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492 (Westport, Conn., Greenwood Pub. Co., 1972); J. F. Richards, The Unending Frontier an Environmental History of the Early Modern World (Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2003).
For the ecological transformation of the new world see, S. A. Alchon, A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective (Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 2003), E. G. K. Melville, A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of Mexico (Cambridge [England], New York, NY, USA, Cambridge University Press, 1994).
Ching, Jarzombek, and Prakash, A Global History of Architecture, xi-xvi.
E. Burke III, ‘Preface', in E. Burke III and K. Pomeranz, eds., The Environment and World History, (Berkeley, University of California Press, 2009), pp. xi-xiv.
Ibid., pp. 3-32.
T. R. Metcalf, An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture and Britain's Raj (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1989), pp. 24-54.
See environmental history books that have been written from the perspective of the human transformation of rivers in the context of nineteenth century engineering. M. Cioc, The Rhine: An Eco-Biography, 1815-2000 (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 2002); D. H. Porter, The Thames Embankment : Environment, Technology, and Society in Victorian London (Akron, Ohio, University of Akron Press, 1998).
J. R. McNeill, Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World (New York, W.W. Norton & Co., 2000), pp. 3-17.
Ibid. McNeill argues that the human induced environmental problems of the past were localized in their impact, which is no longer the case as we deal with global problems, such rising sea levels. In addition, we face the possibility of crossing certain thresholds that consequently unleash a chain of events that progress on a non-linear trajectory, like exceeding the 26 degree Celsius temperature mark in the tropical Atlantic that promotes increased number of hurricanes of greater intensity.
J. D. Hughes, ‘The Impact of Greek Civilization on the Natural Environment', in Ecology in Ancient Civilizations (Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1975), pp. 68-86.
J. D. Hughes, ‘Environmental Impacts of the Roman Economy and Social Structure: Augustus to Diocleletian', in A. Hornborg, J. R. McNeill, and J. Martínez Alier, eds., Rethinking Environmental History: World-System History and Global Environmental Change, (Lanham, AltaMira Press, 2007), pp. 27-40; Hughes, ‘Urban Problems', in Pan's Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, pp. 149-68.
J. Donald Hughes, "Industrial Technology and Environmental Damage," in Pan's Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 112-29.
Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals.pp. 67-90
J. D. Hughes, ‘Sustainable Agriculture in Ancient Egypt'. Agricultural History, 66, 2 (1992), pp. 12-22.
J. .Lansing, ‘Balinese "Water Temples" and the Management of Irrigation'. American Anthropologist, 89, 2 (Jun. 1987), pp. 326-41.
J. S. Lansing and J. N. Kremer, ‘A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Balinese Water Temples'. in A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Balinese Water Temples, ed. D.M. Warren, L. J. Slikkerveer, and D. Brokensha (London, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1995), pp. 258-68.
K. R. Wright, A., V. Zegarra, and W. L. Lorah, ‘Ancient Machu Picchu Drainage Engineering'. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 125, 6 (1999), pp. 360-69.
See J. Pierre Protzen, ‘Inca Quarrying and Stonecutting'. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 44, 2 (May, 1985), pp. 161-82.
M. Livingston, The Ancient Stepwells of India (New York, Princeton Architectural Press, 2002).
B. Ford and M. Hewitt, ‘Cooling without Air Conditioning – Lessons from India'. ARQ: Architectural Research Quarterly 1, 4 (1996), pp. 60-69.
Moffett, Fazio, and Wodehouse, Buildings across Time: An Introduction to World Architecture, 110-39.
Kostof, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals. pp. 191-216
Trachtenberg and Hyman, Architecture, from Prehistory to Postmodernity, p.125.
Hughes, "Urban Problems," pp. 149-68.
D. P. Crouch, Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities (New York,Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 83-99.
V. Scarborough, L. and G. G. Gallopin, ‘A Water Storage Adaptation in the Maya Lowlands', Science, 251, 4994 (1991), pp. 658-62.
G. H. Haug, D. Günther, L. C. Peterson, D. M. Sigman, K. A. Hughen, and B. Aeschlimann, ‘Climate and the Collapse of Maya Civilization'. Science, New Series, 299,. 5613 (Mar. 14, 2003), pp. 1731-35
M.Gandy, Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City
J. O. Kaplan, K. M. Krumhardt and N. Zimmermann, 'The prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation of Europe'. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, (2009), pp. 3016–3034.
Moffett, Fazio, and Wodehouse, Buildings across Time : An Introduction to World Architecture, pp. 191-224
R. Keyser, "The Transformation of Traditional Woodland Management: Commercial Sylviculture in Medieval Champagne," French Historical Studies, 32, 3 (2009), pp. 353-84.
K. R. Appuhn, A Forest on the Sea: Environmental Expertise in Renaissance Venice (Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009).
C. Fletcher and T. Spencer, Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and Its Lagoon: State of Knowledge (Cambridge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2005).
Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life, 74.
Hughes, "Environmental Impacts of the Roman Economy and Social Structure: Augustus to Diocleletian,"pp. 27-40, ———, "Urban Problems," in Pan's Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, pp.149-68.
Hughes, ‘Environmental Impacts of the Roman Economy and Social Structure: Augustus to Diocleletian' in Pan's Travail: Environmental Problems of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, pp. 27-40.
Hughes, An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in the Community of Life, p 47; See R. S. Santley, T. W. Killion, and M. T. Lycett, ‘On the Maya Collapse'. Journal of Anthropological Research, 42, 2 (1986)
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