Information For Authors
ENQ positions the core of architectural research as the exploration of spatialization and physical environments in relation to biological, environmental, social and cultural contexts. To this end, the goal of ENQ is to support a research culture within the architectural discipline as a dissemination vector.
ENQ, as the journal of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) embraces the plurality of research practices present within our member institutions.
ENQ publishes all topics related to the built environment but limits its publication interests to research modalities. As such, the journal's focus and scope is aligned with the dissemination of research outcomes focused around primary and secondary source material, quantitative data or qualitative observations. ENQ does not publish opinion pieces or expository essays regardless of their focus or content.
ENQ supports a variety of types of manuscripts, including the following. Regardless of type, articles should be written in English and be a minimum of 7,000 words (including references, abstract, and acknowledgments). They should include an abstract and keywords (up to 5) located before the introduction. There are no limits to the quantity of images, diagrams, or tables. Additional guidance on standards, formatting, and submission details can be found below.
Analytical: This style of research paper uses primary and secondary sources (primarily literature review or archives) to explore a topic, correlate past research and propose a conclusion. The voice is neutral. The structure usually starts with a question and then presents background material, analysis, discussion and conclusion.
Argumentative: A research paper that immediately states a position and then builds a case to defend that point of view through findings, facts, statistical data, past publications and literature. It is important in this style of article to present alternative points of view while building an argument. The structure usually starts with a thesis statement then defends that statement through literature/data presentation, analysis, discussion and conclusion.
Definition: A definition article is a state-of-the-art or literature review article that does not provide analysis or discussion. The point of this style of article is to provide an annotated summary of current research for the use of other researchers. The structure is usually an expanded literature review.
Compare/Contrast: An article that analyzes two different aspects of architectural knowledge, whether built or theoretical. The structure usually introduces both aspects in detail, a comparison, analysis of similarities and differences then and discussion. Sometimes this is blended with an argumentative style where one aspect is supported over the other.
Cause/Effect: These research articles are interested in the ‘who’, ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ related to effects and causes. The intention is to examine things that happen, whether the shift in architectural styles, changes in typology, or effects on climate based on changes in the built environment. Cause and effect articles are often used in historical research and focus on the tracing of events from their results to their sources or from sources to outcomes.The structure is a general introduction to the topic, a thesis that identifies either the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event and then either presenting the cause followed by the effects or present the effect and then explore the causes.
Interpretative/Case Study: An article that explores an existing project or situation to further understanding of that instance through a theoretical framework and abstraction techniques. This style of research paper is not a ‘book report’ that simply describes the thing but looks to underlying causes, structures and transferable types of knowledge. The structure of the article is aligned with the theoretical framework used to analyze the case study but usually starts with a description of the case study focus, analysis method, data presentation and summary.
Experimental: A research paper that presents an experiment in order to explain its purpose, setup, outcomes and significance. Experimental research papers are structured around a question or reason for the experiment, its methodology, deployment, data collection, analysis, discussion and conclusion. The focus of the discussion and conclusion should be converting specific and situated information for use by other researchers.
If an author is unsure of how their research article aligns with these categories, please contact an editor for advice.
Enquiry is an open access, fee-free academic publication. It does not have article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges. In order to maximize the quality of the academic dissemination, Enquiry takes no financial aid from any individual or organization in exchange for publication access.
Prospective authors are required to make an account on this website in order to submit an article for consideration.
Enquiry receives articles from multiple sub-disciplines within architectural research, which means that the Journal is not rigid on layout convention (i.e. history has its own research structure when compared to building science). However, the Journal expects to have clear statements of purpose, methodology, investigative discussion, implications for the knowledge area and possibly future directions of the work - regardless of subdiscipline, the article is focused on research outcomes.
The ENQ editorial board meets twice a month to review submissions for breadth and research scope. Once the editorial board agrees that the submission should move forward, the article is sent for peer review, which could take 4-6 weeks and is contingent on the individual reviewers and their schedules. Post Covid-19, the review process has been slower. Review times are based on an assigned timeframe but the adherence of the peer reviewers to this timeframe is out of our control. We must have a sufficient number of peer reviews returned to be able to publish the article. ENQ publishes two issues per year, in June and December.
Stylistic and Bibliographic Requirements
The authors' names should not appear anywhere on the titlepage or manuscript as the journal is double-blind peer reviewed. All images and figures should have captions. All tables should be labeled, including title and description.
Authors need to format their articles to ENQ style standards. All references should be in the current Chicago style (Author-Date System), using in-text citations and listing all cited material in a "Reference" section at the closing of the article. Footnotes should be used if there needs to be extra-text commentary. Major headings should be in full capitalization. Subheadings are to be in sentence case without spacing between the heading and paragraph below. All headings are to be in bold face. If numbering is used for sections, then it should be in Arabic (1., 1.1, 1.1.1, etc).
In addition, please proofread the manuscript for errors in spelling and grammar. All references mentioned in the Reference list should be cited in the text, and vice versa. Please make sure that permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web). ENQ will not publish any material which does not have clear copyright permission of use or ownership.
Files should be in .doc, .docx or .rtf formats. Images may be embedded in files submitted for review, but they should be at screen resolution. Images may be uploaded as supplementary material if they are located for placement in the main text.