Peer Review Process
When a contribution is received, the editorial team will first decide whether it is relevant to the journal's main focus and scope and is of sufficient academic quality. All relevant contributions will then go through one or more rounds of anonymous peer review with at least two reviewers, and then, if accepted, editing, including manuscript editing, layout editing and proofreading; this process is managed by an editor and carried out by professionally qualified appraisers (in-house editors and external peer reviewers).
The journal ensures full editorial quality of all submissions. The author(s) have both the right and duty to approve or reject the proposed changes and amendments presented during manuscript processing. Until the manuscript is published, it will be treated with confidentiality by the editorial team, in terms of all personal information.
Peer reviewers assess the contributions and write a review that, among other things, should answer the following questions:
• How valid is the contribution?
Are the results plausible, and are the theory and methodology suitable for the purposes of this journal?
• How relevant and appropriate is the contribution?
Does it address any of the field's current key challenges?
• How original is the contribution?
Does it contribute new knowledge to the field? Is the information presented in the contribution current, relevant and fit for the journal's purposes?
• Should the contribution be accepted, revised or rejected?
If not accepted, should the author submit the article to another journal?
Peer reviewers' work thus concludes with a recommendation to the editors that the manuscript be accepted, revised or rejected. It is then up to the editorial team to determine whether the manuscript should be published. Further information on the peer review process and editorial evaluation can also be found in the discussion of the different journal sections; the assessment process varies to some extent, depending on the various categories of information.
Plagiarism Screening
ENQ uses iThenticate for plagiarism screening at the point of article submission. Any article found to have violated academic honesty will be summarily rejected. In addition, should it come to the awareness of the Editors that any published article which was not identified by our plagiarism check processes but is shown to have plagiarized, it will be removed from our database immediately.